
Thursday, April 27, 2006

I have news!

Okay, maybe this isn't the best time to write this as the news hasn't sunk in yet and it has all happened so fast but here goes.....
Spoke to my editor tonight about the last Romance I submitted and it turns out the book isn't a Romance but a Modern Extra. Yes, that's right, I'm now writing for another Harlequin line!!!
It was totally unexpected as it wasn't my intention when I wrote the book but I can see how my ed thinks it would be perfect for the old Temptation line(now renamed Modern Extra): not many Romances start off with a naked man!
I'm really excited about this unexpected turn of events though a bit blown away too. It means I have to write 4 books this year, not counting finishing the NEXT or my single title stuff.
If I vanish here more often than not, you'll know where I am....chained to my chair, slaving over a keyboard in serious meltdown! Or will that be my brain?


  1. Nicola, you sneaky thing! Big congrats on the line hop!!


  2. Yippee, Nic.

    That bend in the road this time is a ripper.

    I can see the office getting one of those big organisational charts with Nic occassionally thinking...'now which book is it that I am working on today??'

    CONGRATS again

  3. YAAAYYY Nic! Now hurry up and get those revisions away! Naked man on the first page??? My kinda book....

  4. Yay Nic! Well done you! Now I triple can't wait for them to come out here in Aus.

  5. Congrats! I thought it would be you! How exciting. Do you know more...title, release...anything? Come on...spill a little :)

  6. And the 'naked man' hero was inspired by??? I think we need you to post the picture .... Not of him naked, of course, I'm still writing pure tender!!

    Fantastic news, Nic!. Hurry up and sell the NEXT too. Makes me tired just thinking about it.

  7. Thanks everyone!
    I actually haven't sold the book yet so maybe the real party can start when that happens? :)

    Natasha, the naked man was inspired by Mark Phillipousis, the tennis star. I found this pic in a mag of him naked to the waist looking very tanned, very muscly and very alpha. Perfect inspiration. Then had to go and find a smiley pic so he didn't look so intimidating. Will post that one, not the naked one!

  8. Woo-hoo, Trish. I can imagine you writing Mod X's, mmm-hmm. Now, about that tres alpha pic of the Poo ... I promise I won't feel intimidated if you post it. ;-)


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