
Thursday, April 06, 2006

We have lift-off!

Ok, after spending a few hours trying to get the links stuff to work last night, I huffed off to bed, only for the savvy Ally Blake to save me from tearing out any more hair this morning with a few quick pointers.
Thanks Ally!

Now I have some idea how to work this thing, I can actually get down to the interesting stuff like telling you about my huge week! And it has been huge...

On Saturday, I received a call from the USA. Impossibly Pregnant, released Oct 05, has finalled in the HOLT medallion, Best Traditional category. After hugging everyone within arm's length (my poor squeezed family), wandering around in a daze for a while then sitting at the PC and actually trying to tell all my writing buddies with shaking typing hands, the news finally sunk in and I resorted to grinning like a loon instead.
This book was one of my faves to write and I'm thrilled that the judges loved it too.

The HOLT winners are announced on June 10th so fingers crossed!

My big week continued when I signed today with Ethan Ellenberg. I am thrilled to have him as my agent and look forward to working with him. I'll keep you posted on developments.

Now, I really should get back to the writing stuff.
I knew this blogging thingymajig would be distracting...


  1. I may not have got to post first on your blog (boo, hiss to Ally!!!) But I can be SECOND and FIRST on this one.... heeheehee

    What a fantabulous week my darling one! You should be floating on air!!! And I will ross everything for you til June....


  2. Nic! So great to see your wonderful week up in 'pictures' on your blog.


  3. Thanks so much you guys!
    And yeah, I'm still floating....

  4. Wow! Major week. I've already said my piece about the Holt, but it bears repeating. WELL DONE!

    And a top drawer agent, too. SERIOUSLY WELL DONE!

    Oh, and welcome to the time wasting world of blogging!

  5. WOW. EE is a hard one to snag. Only the best for you :) Comgrats!

  6. Thanks Liz and Jenna.

    Liz, I'm only just discovering how time wasting this can be...

    Had to keep myself away last night and actually start revisions!

  7. Yay, Nic. What exciting (and well-deserved) news, both on the Holt and the agent. It's all up, up, up from here! Cheers, Bron


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