
Thursday, October 12, 2006

Labour of love

We've had lovely news of two new babies this week: my sister-in-law had a baby girl and my cousin had a baby boy.
Such a special time and brings back memories of my own 22 hour(!)labour, which actually wasn't as bad as I expected.
Then I bumped into a friend from Mum's Group yesterday with her new twins, who are absolutely gorgeous!
Me, clucky?
Babies are gorgeous and cuddly and grow so quickly, as I wrestle my almost 3 year old off my desk and away from pounding on the keyboard as I type!

Writing is another labour of love and on that front, I've completed the revisions on my next Romance (an office romance featuring an unexpected pregnancy.)
Mind you, they've been done in half hour bursts here and there, so I'm sure I'll have a bit of tidying up before it's ready to send back to my editor.
But at least they're done.
One down, one to go.


  1. Congratulations Nicola on the arrival of your baby niece and baby cousin! And well done on finishing your revisions - sounds like you're having a great week!

    Sue :-)

  2. Loooovely news Nic! IT's the season for it obviously. Lots of spring babies ;).

    Congrats on revisions away as well. Load off I'm sure.



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