
Friday, February 09, 2007

Sold! Book 12

I've just sold my 12th book!!
PURCHASED FOR PLEASURE is my 3rd Modern Extra sale, and my 3rd ModEx release for this year.
It will hit the shelves in October.
This book is special because it's one of my early books, the 4th I ever wrote.
Back then in 2002, I had no idea which line I was targetting. Temptation was my favourite to read so Male For Sale was aimed at them. After dashing off the partial and not letting it sit(!) I sent it off, only to receive a standard rejection.
In the meantime, The Tycoon's Dating Deal was under consideration with the Mills and Boon UK office and this turned out to be my first published book.
So, Male for Sale has been sitting around in my PC collecting cyber dust.
Thankfully, not any longer!
As I'm waxing lyrical about the whole writing process of a book from start to finish, pop back tomorrow and I'll go through the interesting learning curve for transforming an old book into a sale.
In the meantime, I'll leave you with Wentworth Miller, the inspiration behind Navy SEAL Tyler James in the new version, PURCHASED FOR PLEASURE. (I'll give you the lowdown of how he's 'purchased for pleasure' at a man auction tomorrow too!)


  1. Congrats Nic!!!!!!!!!!! What fab news! And a gorgeous title. Woohoo!!


  2. Fantastic news, Nic! Many congratulations!!


  3. Nic!

    Congratulations on number 12!
    So exciting for you.
    I think I read the first couple of chapter of this once a long time ago.
    So glad it has a home



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