
Wednesday, May 30, 2007

Are you addicted to your library?

I visited my local library yesterday.
Bad move.
Before bub was born, I'd been raiding their shelves for the past 2 months, so I could stock up the books I'd bought on my 'to be read' pile for after baby arrived.
Well, that pile has diminished and as I was walking past the library yesterday, I ducked in and came out with 5 great books.

Why is this bad?
Last night, instead of writing or sleeping, I read. And read. And read.
I'm hopeless. Give me a good book and I can't put it down. Almost finished the first one, 4 to go. Then of course I have to return them, which involves going back into the library and past all those wonderfully crammed shelves again...oh, how I love books!!! And my own TBR pile is growing again too!

Speaking of which, my one and only Romance release for the year is coming up. PRINCESS AUSTRALIA hits the shelves in June so watch this space for all the 'behind the scenes' goss on this book.
Romantic Times gave it 4 stars: "...dashing hero...sparkling dialogue..."
And here's a snippet of the 4 star review it received at Cataromance:

"Princess Australia is a charming story of strength and conviction, with a hero and heroine that must trust each other before they can really appreciate their unique relationship. I loved Dante and Natasha, their stumbling around trying to trust each other without either knowing it and then having someone try to destroy their budding romance without a care in the world, it made me want to knock the offending party out. I enjoyed reading about this relationship, even when they were both pigheaded and the ending was a tender way to cement their romance. Ms. Marsh is a skilled author and leaves me staggered with her writing because Princess Australia is a feel good, happily ever after story that I want too."

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