
Tuesday, May 15, 2007

I got flowers!

I know for a fact my hubby doesn't read my blog. He's a great handyman but can't turn on a computer so after my 'he doesn't bring me flowers anymore' post, imagine my surprise when I got the most gorgeous bunch of flowers ever on Mother's Day morning, accompanied by a box of Lindt choccies, a massive block of Toblerone and a year's subscription to Madison magazine.
Me, spoiled?
But boy, do I deserve it :)
Had a lovely day with the men in my life and my own lovely mum, who is, quite simply, an amazing woman.

The flowers are really unusual and I'm dying to know what they are. Must take a pic and post here so someone can help me out. They're blood red, look like a sea anemone, with stalks like rhubarb. Does anyone know from that description? I've never seen them before and considering he bought them late on Sat night on the way home from the football (after his team lost!) he forgot what they were too.

In writing news, I received copies of my first Manga comic today. It's so exciting! My second book, THE WEDDING CONTRACT, in Japanese cartoon format. Wish I could read it, it looks so cool!!
And I have the cover for my July Sexy Sensation, which I must scan and show you. It's gorgeous! But for now, I hear that familiar baby cry...back when I can...


  1. Sounds like a native of some sort...a protea, waratah or something like that?

    Mel the botanically challenged without a pic : )

  2. GOOD HUBBY!!! Keep him Nic... ;)

    And WOW how exciting on the Manga Comic!!! Try and scan it too so we can have a look see!

    Hugs to you and your boys x x x

  3. Scan scan!!! In between feeds and sleeps of course ;).



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