
Thursday, May 10, 2007

New arrival!

Announcing the arrival of my gorgeous little man, Jude! He arrived around 2 weeks early and took us all by surprise, though at a whopping 9 lb 1 0z, mum's rather glad he didn't have another few weeks to grow!!!
These pics, cute as they may be, are deceptive, as sleep isn't high on his list of priorities, especially at night!
So please excuse my absence here for a bit, while I pry my eyelids open with match sticks most days...
Will try to keep you all updated as often as I can :)

While I was in hospital, life went on for other people, especially my buddy Fiona Lowe who has finalled in the RBY (Romantic Book of the Year).
Congrats Fiona! I loved 'Her Miracle Baby', a truly gorgeous book.
Can you tell I've got babies on the brain at the moment?


  1. Ooooohhhhhh now even I HAVE TO SAY HE IS GORGEOUS!!!!!!!!!

    Look at all that hair!!!! You clever girl Nic! Now just you sleep when you can and we'll all be thinking about you...

    Can't wait to get to *see* you both! x x x

  2. Congratulations on the arrival of your gorgeous boy. Sorry he isn't keen on sleeping - I know what that's like. If it's any consolation, everyone told me when I was blessed with non-sleepy twin boys that they often turn out to be extremely bright kids!

  3. So cute!!!!

    Try and catch some zzzzs when you can. I think the house will run on 'Jude' time for a few weeks:-)

  4. Nic, he's just beautiful!


  5. He's just beeyootiful!! Well done you : )

    Catch the zzz when you can and enjoy him.



  6. Oh, Nicola, he's gorgeous. All that hair! Having just come out on the other side, heaps of good luck with the sleeping. I hope he's a man who likes a good kip!!!


  7. Nic, he's utterly GORGEOUS! Congratulations...and many happy years!


  8. He's beautiful--I love all the hair! Congratulations and I hope youre able to get some sleep sometime, somewhere...

  9. Congrats, Nic! Jude is adorable. Hope he settles into a good routine and lets you get some sleep.

    Love and hugs


  10. Congratulations!! What a nice early surprise!! He's lovely!!!

  11. He is just gorgeous!!!! Congratulations!!!

  12. Oh Nic, what a handsome guy you've got there! I had bald babies so the hair is just precious!

    I too had a toddler home that wanted to stay up all day and a baby who wanted to stay up all night. Make sure you get some rest, chicklet!


  13. Wow! He is beautiful, Nicola. Congratulations. I love his hair, just gorgeous.

    Best of luck,

  14. Congratulations Nicola! :)

    With that mop of hair you must have had some considerable heartburn...!

    Jess x

  15. Nicola, huge congrats...he's a little dote! Hope you get some rest in between the awake bits!
    x Abby Green

  16. Look at all that hair! And that mouth. Oh, I love baby mouth. And baby feet.

    And you...should be sleeping. Or at least horizontal. Do you guys have Crayola Color Wonder Markers? They color only on the special coloring books, not on furniture, walls, etc. Great to give the big one so you can take a breather.

  17. I'd say there's a pound in each cheek!
    Congratulations Nic,
    He's divine, now let's all pray to the sleep fairy for a visit soon so he gets the hint.

    Hope you're resting too.
    Love Ebony

  18. Hi Nic,
    Mega congrats on your new little hero. He's just so adorable - you just want to cuddle and kiss him. Can't wait to meet the new man in your life.

  19. Ooooh, he's such a lovely mushy honey. And lilke everyone els I just have to say...All That Hair! How beautiful!


  20. Oh Nic, he's totally perfect. Newborn's are the most precious little bundles, aren't they? Congratulations, and may he be a good sleeper =)

    Love, Robbie

  21. Many many congratulations Nicola - what a gorgeous little hero Jude is. Wishing and all your family lots and lots of happiness and joyful times together.

    And wishing you more sleep!



  22. Congratulations. He is a beautiful baby. :)

  23. Just gorgeous. So pleased for you all - and even though he took you by surprise, how precious to finally have him with you!

    Take care of you Mummy!
    Nic - you've made me SOOOO excited to welcome mine soon (less than three weeks and counting).

    Judy Jarvie
    P.S. The hair is just amazing!

  24. Nic, congratulations!! He's so adorable! :)

  25. Thanks for the congrats, everyone.

    It's such a special time :)

    Can't believe this time a week ago it was all about to start!

    Judy, looking forward to hearing your good news soon!!

  26. Nic - coming in late to offer HUGE congrats! Been away but what exciting news to read when I came home... I have two boys as well - they are AWESOME!


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