
Monday, March 03, 2008

COVER TO COVER: Keeping the faith

Yes, the COVER TO COVER series is still going, following COURTING CUPID from its inception hopefully to its sale!

For a quick recap, this is a Harlequin Romance. I finished it last year, handed in to my editor but have had a few editor changes since so it was recently read.
My editor loved Blane, my laid back hero, but thought Camryn, my cynical heroine, needed some work!

So what did I do?
Revamped the whole story!

I went back to my original title, WISH UPON A VALENTINE and changed it back to a Valentine's Day story.
Not only that, I changed the whole plot!
From 2 strangers meeting, it became a second-chance marriage story.
Blane is still utterly gorgeous and now, Camryn is a softer heroine willing to take a chance on love again.

I worked really hard at this story and finished it Friday. I am thrilled with the results and I hope my editor is too!
So why am I rambling on about this?
To encourage you to keep the faith.

If a story isn't working for you, don't be afraid to change it. Maybe a character, maybe the whole plot! It's often difficult to slash words/scenes/chapters but if the story is stronger as a result, go for it!

If a character isn't working as you'd like, perhaps reconsider their motivation.
Are they behaving to type?
Are they truly likeable?
Will a reader want to support this person no matter what?
If their motivation is true, all their actions will be believable so don't be afraid to shake things up a little if your character isn't doing what you want.

If you can see the end of the story but the scenes leading up to it are a blur, resort to my old favourite: plotting on paper. Even a single sentence outlining the next scene/chapter can work wonders.

And as with any revisions, jot down the key points to look out for. I do this before I start the revisions, after the first read through, even the second, because it's amazing the things you miss.

So that's Blane and Camryn's rewrite.
I'll keep you posted!


  1. Nicola I really hope that your reworked story is what they are looking for. The rewrite sounds really interesting.


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