
Saturday, March 15, 2008

Meet Robyn Grady

Want to win a signed copy of this fabulous book? Plus books from Fiona Lowe and moi?

Check out our competition running via our websites! In the meantime, here's short interview with the fabulous Robyn Grady.

So...what event/situation inspired this book?

An unmarried friend of my eldest daughter had just fallen pregnant. It inspired me to write a marriage of convenience story with an ultra modern twist. There is, of course, a happily-ever- after, but the HEA a 21st century mother-to-be deserves, not merely feels she needs to accept.

Was it a book that flew from your fingers or gave you grief?

It did fly from my fingers! In about three weeks, actually. The characters were very real to me, and I was barracking for the heroine, Sophie Gruebella 100% all the way. The ending, when I wrote it, seemed so right for them both.

Who inspired the hero?

The latest James Bond...although Cooper Smith doesn’t look at all like Daniel Craig. However, he does possess the same “I’m dangerous but too sexy to resist” air about him.

Has it had more than one title?

It started out “Accidentally In Love”. But this title, well, it really says it all!

Where has it been released and where might it be released?

In the UK in April – available now. In Australia/NZ in June, and in US as a Presents, ‘The Australian Millionaire’s Love Child’, in July .

How did you celebrate the sale?

My husband brought home a bottle of imported champagne. He knows me so well :)

Thanks Robyn. Can' wait to read it! (and I drool over that cover every time I see it!)


  1. Enter this contest folks! I'm lucky enough to have had a sneak preview of Robyn's new book (am half way through) and you won't be disappoited. After only two-books (that I've read), she's already an auto-buy for me!

  2. I already entered and hope that I win because all the books sound really really good!
    Great interview with Robyn. I love all the covers and Robyn's guy looks a lot cuter than Daniel Craig.

  3. I second that, Rachael. Robyn's first Modern Heat was fantastic. And from the excerpt I've read from her second, it definitely sounds like another hot read!

    Great interview Robyn & Nicola.

  4. Great interview with Robyn - Nicola.

    I have entered the contest, so we shall see. Good luck to everyone who entered - they will be fantastic reads.

  5. Hi Robyn & Nicola,

    That book sounds really interesting - wow, written in three weeks?! I really enjoyed the interview. Haha, as to the contest, I hope I got in - my first email was a fudge up, and I'm hoping that doesn't count against me :P.

  6. Ooh...Rach, you lucky thing! I can't wait to read it.

    Waving to everyone else :)


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