
Tuesday, March 25, 2008

North and South

Right, my thoughts on North and South.
It's a BBC mini-series based on the book by Elizabeth Gaskell, set in the 1850s, in the industrial town (whose livelihood depends on cotton mills) of Milton (actually Manchester.)
Wonderfully poignant and emotional, it's well worth watching. I'm so glad I purchased my DVD, for not only do you get the brilliant acting of Richard Armitage as John Thornton but you also get to see an interview with Richard.
I've never seen such a modest, self-deprecating actor...and
when he gives a slightly goofy grin and chuckles...well, he really is something and has a new fan in me.

I'm not going to rave on about the plot or the story itself.
Do yourself a favour, see it for yourself.
And I've just found another rather lovely picture of Richard I'll save for another day :)


  1. Nicola,
    I boasted about Richard Armitage in the last entry and now I'm going to boast about North and South -- this is a wonderfully constructed mini-series. I borrowed it from the library but can see this is a "keeper". The settings, acting, and story are all superb. Now to go find the book to read it!

  2. OOOooo I want to find this. I've never heard of it :X the only Elizabeth Gaskell book I've read is "Wives and Daughters." I always get a little twitchy, b/c in Freshman Honors English in college, I mentioned the book, and I just remember my prof looking at me like I was ... not scummy, but a bit sub par. I don't know what people have against "nice" fiction.

  3. I have never heard of North and South.

  4. I haven't seen it, but it looks like something I would enjoy.

  5. Eleni,
    I'm definitely going to find the book! It's the first thing I wanted to do after seeing it (apart from having a drink with Richard, that is ;) )

    Limecello, I agree, what is it with nice fiction?

    Estella and Virginia, well worth seeing it.
    I'd never heard of it either till other writers started talking about it.


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