
Thursday, May 22, 2008

A good cause

Yeah, Zac here again.

Nic still isn't feeling too good so she asked me to stop by and remind you all about BRENDA NOVAK'S auction to raise funds for juvenile diabetes, which ends May 31st.

The array of items to bid on is staggering. Go check it out.
Nic's blown away someone has bid $210 on her critique. Wow, is the pressure on her or what? :)

Get well soon, sweetheart.
(See, I've changed tack. I'm trying to soften her up now, so she'll give me another chance with Lana. Reckon I've got a shot at it?)


  1. The auction is such a great way for Brenda and others raise money for diabetes. I was there earlier and was bidding on some items. Thats great your item is such a success Nic. Hope your feeling better soon.

  2. So glad that your item at Brenda's Auction is doing so well. Her Auction is for such a great cause.

    So sorry you are still under the weather, and hope that you get feeling better really soon.

    I also saw that Zac is starting to do some backpedalling, so maybe he is a little leary of you.

  3. Sorry you're not feeling well Nic hope things improve soon for you.

    Zac be nice to the girl or you could find yourself in a lot of trouble. Give her plenty of warm lemon and honey. ANd tell her boys to give her plenty of cuddles that's alway good when you're feeling down.


  4. You ladies are beyond nice.
    Will pass on the messages to Nic :)


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