
Tuesday, June 03, 2008

How to woo a woman

Two posts in a day?
Well, I'm over my little bout of snarkiness from this morning so thought we'd move on with a more positive review :)

I have my first review for THE DESERT PRINCE'S PROPOSAL!

Here's what Catherine Witmer from Romantic Times had to say about it:

Architect Bria Green's chance meeting with developer Sam Wali becomes a fleeting but memorable flirtation. Soon afterward, in the kingdom of Adhara to secure materials for a client, Bria finds out that Sam is actually Prince Samman al Wali. Sam has a proposal for Bria: If she'll marry him, she can design Adhara's new capital city. Bria's tempted, but they're strangers, and Sam's as controlling as her father. She's also halfway in love with him, which presents a problem! Nicola Marsh's The Desert Prince's Proposal (3) will appeal to those who enjoy desert-set fantasies, but others might find Sam's idea of courtship as crazy as Bria does.

Poor Sam.
He's a strong, alpha prince. Not sure if he takes too kindly to having his wooing techniques questioned ;)

This book is available online now!
In the UK, it's here.
In the US, it's here.

It'll be out on the shelves in both countries in July.
Enjoy :)


  1. Sam might have to remember that what one reviewer questions as crazy others might think is cool. In all honesty I usually buy a book by Author, if a book catches my eye on the shelf because of the cover I pick it up and read the blurb and if it intrigues me then I will buy it. I don't usually put much stock into a review (although I do reviews), because what I might like someone else may have issues with. It is like a dice game.

    Personally I like strong Alpha males, although sometimes they are misjudged.

  2. This was my first really strong alpha Romance hero and you're right, Cryna, they can be a tad misjudged.

    Reviews are subjective. Sam knows that and will still continue his crazy courtship regardless :)

  3. Nicola, do you subscribe to RT? I have a review of my book in the July issue and it isn't on sale yet, alas! But I did get my star rating online. And I agree with the misjudged Alphas--I think sometimes they push people's buttons even when they don't mean to! I look forward to reading Sam's story.


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