
Saturday, July 19, 2008

Calling all sexy writers!

Harlequin Mills and Boon are running another fabulous contest to discover new authors and this time it's for the Modern Heat/Presents series (Sexy Sensation in Australia), one of the fab series I write for.

So if you like writing sexy, have a fun, fresh, flirty voice and would love to be published in this series, why not give it a go?

All details for the FEEL THE HEAT contest are here.

Good luck!


  1. Hi Nicola,

    Just thought I'd share another tad of info on your july hero. He actually played Xerxes in the movie 300. Now I know how many people will have missed this as the film had Gerard Butler, half naked....
    Sorry, got side tracked there!!! But when I watched the movie for the third or fourth time I knew I recognised the face of the evil Xerxes. Looked it up and discovered it is indeed the lovely and obviously very versatile Rodrigo.
    The competition is a fantastic opportunity. I entered the Instant Seduction one. Needless to say I had no success but that's irrelevant because I feel entering and submitting is an achievement in itself.
    So I'll be having another go at this one. You never know, somebody's gotta win. Right?!!!

    P.S. I have absolutely no idea how you spell Xerxes???

  2. Wow,
    thanks for this info, Aideen.
    Must chase up the movie, for the Rodrigo factor alone :)

    And good luck with the contest. It's definitely worth entering and you're right, what a great achievement to do so.
    Fingers crossed for you!


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