
Monday, February 15, 2010

Resuming normal transmission


I don't know about all of you but I'm exhausted after the fortnight of hotties. Well, maybe my eyes are exhausted...all that eye candy, a girl doesn't know where to look first!

A huge thanks to all the lovely authors who came to play here and shared their favourite hot heroes with us. For the writers among us, lots of food for thought and future heroes to come.

While we've all been drooling, here's my fortnight in recap:

MARRIAGE: FOR BUSINESS OR PLEASURE? hits the USA TODAY bestseller list and makes me a USA TODAY bestselling author (yep, I'm going to keep screaming this for a long time!)

It also hit the Bookscan bestseller list, debuting at 67, hitting 62 last week.

I wrote a grand total of 17500 words on current Mod Heat due next week & 40 pages on something else I'm working on

Had an emergency dash to clinic for ultrasound for a deep vein thrombosis, followed by another dash to doc the next day to clear another nasty.

Toddler's head connected with pavement, now sporting massive egg.

Lovely Valentine's Day BBQ with old uni friends down near the beach, with 9 kids running riot.

There, now we're all caught up on the news, time to announce the winner of Kelly's fabulous books...

Peggy, congrats! Please email me your details.


  1. Thanks for running the hottie fest, Nic, and glad the valentines Day beach barbie was a beauty.

    Ta again for your hospitality.

  2. what a week you've had! You have been mega productive too. I hope to be able to be that productive as soon as we are settled in our new house and the kids are both at kindy! Prime writing time :)

  3. Good lordy woman! You've remembered to breathe right? That breathing thing is very important! I hope that all veins and toddler heads have returned to their regular size :D

  4. Wow - what a fortnight. Anything to do with kids/pavement/blood = not good and not good re veins. Hope all is how it should be now!

  5. Nic thanks all thbe Valentine posts, you were a great hostess and congrats to all the book winners.

  6. Thanks, can do without the health dramas. The hotties? Not so much :)


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