
Saturday, March 27, 2010

Weekend Book Club

This week, I read my first Jeffery Deaver novel, THE BROKEN WINDOW.

I love a good suspense/thriller novel and this one had me riveted.

Many of you have probably seen THE BONE COLLECTOR, with Denzil Washington and Angelina Jolie? Well, this book features Lincoln Rhyme again, the quadraplegic criminalist who's an absolute whiz at solving crimes.

Loved the characterisation, the plot and the suspense in this book, though my eyes glazed over at the computer/data/technical side of things at times (but that's more to do with me and my complete 'denseness' when it comes to PCs!)

Will definitely be reading more of his books.

So what are you reading this week?


  1. I'm reading The Hunger Games by Suzanne Collins. It's not my usual thing. It's futuristic YA, first of all and it's set in a society where children are chosen to fight to the death on live television.
    Grim, grim, grim. However, I heard a lot of good things about it and there's a bit of a romance. Plus the author describes lots of tasty food (despite the title). I am determined to finish it, but I will have to read something light after this!

  2. Jill, I'm totally hooked on YA at the moment so this book intrigues me, though it does sound a tad grim!

    I've heard of it too.
    Pop back and let us know what you think after you finish it, thanks!

  3. I'm reading The Mistress Diaries by Julianne MacLean. A good ol' ripping regency is the rx for relaxing after a stressed week. And Julianne is one of my faves.

    I also have Just Breathe by Susan Wiggs on the go.

  4. The Hunger Games is a great read, though yes, grim.

    I just finished Wild Ride by Jennifer Crusie and Bob Mayer which was fun plus am in the middle of a J.D. Robb re-reading binge..I think I'm up to Reunion in Death. Next up is either Enchanted Glass by Diana Wynne Jones or Bloodcross by Faith Hunter.

  5. Rereading The Temptation of the Night Jasmine by Lauren Willig, which means the next one I get to is finally the newest one! :)


  6. Just finished Breaking Dawn, my second re through of the Twlight saga. Still love the last book the best. Must be the lack of the teenage angst and more of the adult love for child protection to death! hehehe.

  7. I've just finished The Duke's Redemption by Carla Capshaw. She got nominated in 2 categories for a RITA (though not for the book I read). It was fab.

    Currently I'm on A Soldier's Reunion by Cheryl Wyatt.

  8. The Broken Window sounds great I'll have to put it in my never ending TBR pile :). I've just finished Twilight for the first time (I finally gave in :P).

  9. How do you have 2 books on the go at once, Donna?
    Usually when I start one and I'm riveted, I can't put it down let alone get distracted by another.
    You multi-tasker you!

  10. Another by Jennifer Crusie gets my vote, Mel.

    And you're the one who got me hooked on the JD Robb series when you brought a whole stack around to me after my car accident!

    Haven't read either of those other authors. Any recommendations?

  11. Ah...that's the series you're re-reading, isn't it Lois?

  12. Yeah, I enjoyed Breaking Dawn too, Kerrin, because of the more 'adult' emotions in child protection.

    Though Eclipse was good too...

  13. Another author I haven't tried, Joanne.

    So many books...I need 48 hour days!

  14. Okay, Lacey, now that you succumbed, 'fess up.

    What did you think?

  15. Yep, Lauren Willig's books -- of which, I'm on the newest one now, The Betrayal of the Blood Lily. I nearly always reread previous books in a series before I read the newest.



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