
Saturday, May 22, 2010

Weekend Book Club: Fallen

I first picked up this book when it was released but my To Be Read pile was staggering at the time (hmm...isn't it always?) so I didn't buy it.
Luckily, I changed all that this week and boy, am I glad I did.
Lauren Kate has woven a darkly romantic tale of fallen angels and the mortals they move amongst.
I can't say much here without giving away major plot points so all I'll say is the attraction between Luce and Daniel is fated. And watching them draw together over the course of the book is oh so delicious...
The interaction between the secondary characters makes for interesting reading too.
Roll on September 2010 when Torment, the next in the Fallen series, is released!


  1. Well, I'm mostly trying to get a bit ahead of my class, so been reading more geology than anything else. . . forgot why I didn't like summer courses, you're jamming stuff in for 7 weeks instead of 14! LOL But did start Liz Fielding's A Wedding at Leopard Tree Lodge.


  2. Good to read some fiction while you're reading technical stuff, Lois.
    Helps keep the brain fresh.
    My theory and I'm sticking to it :)


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