
Saturday, May 08, 2010

Weekend Book Club: The Secret of Everything

If there is one book you read this year, Barbara O'Neal's THE SECRET OF EVERYTHING is it.

Devoured in a day and a half (no mean feat for a busy mum and writer!) I fell into the richness of the story-the food, the scenery, Barbara's evocative way with words and the lush characters.

And they are lush. Lush with reality and life experience and heart-ache, so poignant in parts I cried (and I rarely cry when reading.)

While Tessa is troubled, I wanted to be her, for the simple fact she got to be with Vince.
As a hero, he is magnificent.
Single dad of 3 girls, he is beyond sexy. Thanks to Barbara's amazing way with words.

Read this book.
You'll thank me.

What are you reading this week?


  1. Hope everyone's feeling better! :) Me, I'm reading Stolen Fury by Elisabeth Naughton. Well, trying to, need a couple extra day moments in the day. :)


  2. Kids are better, I'm worse! No surprise, immune system shot at the moment, need a good pick me up :)

    Let me know how that book is, Lois. I've seen ads for it.

  3. Hiya, Nicola,

    At the moment, I'm reading "the other side of me"--Sidney Sheldon's autobiography--a fantastic read. It was after reading "If Tomorrow Comes" as a young teen that I knew I wanted to be an author.

    Hope you feel better soon.


  4. I remember reading Sidney Sheldon's 'Master of the Game' as a teenager and being blown away.

    Haven't read anything for his for ages...his autobiography would be fascinating!
    Thanks for the recommendation.


Thanks for taking the time to comment.