
Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Dragons and downpours

Second stop on our roadtrip: the delightful town of Bendigo.

Once again, the actual size of the town surprised me. I'd visited over 10 years ago and remember it being a lot smaller.
Not anymore.
Loads of intriguing stuff to do and see.


-visiting the Golden Dragon Museum, steeped in Chinese culture, and snaffling some printed material that has spurned a book series niggling in the back of my mind...

-antique tram ride around the town for kidlet and hubby while toddler and I cuddled up on the couch and read books

-descending 61 metres underground into an old mine and kidlet being far braver than I thought

-walking through the Chinese gardens while rain dripped off the pagodas around us

-brunch in a cafe on the shores of a lake while the rain bucketed down

-discovering the best restaurant on Bath St on our last morning that served a delicious vegan brekkie (and I'm not even vegetarian!)

-watching the drama unfold as Australia's first woman Prime Minister rose to power (not my highlight, my hubby's, who is glued to current affairs while I prefer to bury my nose in a good book.)


  1. The pictures sure are interesting -- shows a different side of the country that those of us (okay, me LOL) had no clue was in Australia. Definitely not all green and koalas/kangaroos running around near the Sydney Opera House or something! LOL :) Looks like loads of fun! :)


  2. Australia is amazing, Lois.

    So many different places to see...


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