
Monday, July 19, 2010

Writing style

This was a bit of fun!

I write like
Stephen King

I Write Like by Mémoires, Mac journal software. Analyze your writing!


  1. I have to give this a go... did you see over at Nathan Bransford's (the literary agent)blog, he dropped in the middle grade book he wrote and was told his writing was closest to James Joyce !!!

  2. No! I didn't see that Jo. I usually get his blog emailed me to me daily but skim if I'm busy.

  3. Apparently I'm JK Rowling. Then I put another WIP in and got James Joyce then another one and got Stephen King. Interestingly enough, one WIP is a Modern, one a historical and one a MH!!

    Now I'm feeling a little like I have multiple personality probs!!

  4. Thought I mentioned it here, but I guess not. LOL Anyway, I used my last blog post with a list of books that I was going to use for a specific type of challenge. . . I got Jane Austen. but the funny coincidence was it was a list of books for a Jane Austen challenge. ;) So, while I figure it's a wee bit fixed, I haven't done it again because I'm just fine with the result! LOL


  5. Ah...good point, Joanne, I'm probably multiple personalities too. I only entered small para of blog, not actual books.


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