
Monday, August 02, 2010

New Voices writing competition

Ever wanted to write for Harlequin Mills and Boon?
Here's your chance, with a brand-spanking new competition, NEW VOICES.
How the competition will work…

The competition will have its very own website - where the entries will be posted and readers can leave their feedback.

The competition will be divided up into four stages and will run from Monday 6th September. The winner will be announced on Monday 1st November.

1. Stage 1: The Free for All;
- All submitted entries will be read and judged by the Mills & Boon judging panel

2. Stage 2: The Shortlist
- A shortlist of 8-10 authors will be announced, and their first chapters posted on the website.
- All shortlisted entrants will be assigned a Mills & Boon author and editor as a ‘mentor’ as they polish their second chapters and for their remaining time in the competition.
- The public will vote for their favourite!

3. Stage 3: The Shorter-list
- The shortlist will be chopped down to 4 – the next stage to share a ‘pivotal moment’ fromtheir book.
- The public will vote for their favourite!

4. Stage 4: Winner!
- Judged by a panel – names TBC!
- The winner is announced!!
So what are you waiting for?
Start polishing your entry now!


  1. this is rather exciting Nicola. I'm still undecided if i'm going to enter. I'm still writing the story i started for last years competition! Of course, i have have changed it since then, but i think i am going to submit it through the normal way....undecided!

  2. There are going to be hundreds of entries! You feel a little sorry for the judging panel who have to sift through them :). I can't help but wonder if you should have a completed manuscript in time for the competition or just the three chapters? I know there are a lot of writers who have done very well in competitions etc are entering so the standards should be high :)

  3. Definitely go for it, Kerrin!

    What have you got to lose?

    Good luck :)

  4. These kind of comps that get seen straight by the editors' eagle eyes are always worth entering.

    You just never know, Lacey...and standard will be varied, I'd say.

  5. I'm really looking forward to reading the entries. It's just so much fun :)

    P.S. Thanks so much for the heads up on the Plot via Motivation course!

  6. It really is brilliant.
    The notes and worksheets are the only resource I refer back to regularly.

    Really great for helping clarify motivation and conflicts.

  7. Thanks so much for posting about this. This is exactly the motivation I need to really boost my editing and tweaking on my manuscript. You can definitely count me in!

  8. That's great, Sheri!

    Get polishing and enter :)

    And good luck!


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