
Monday, October 18, 2010

THE WRITE WHISPER: The greatest gift

I love receiving fan mail.
It's such a thrill to discover people read and enjoy the stories I create.

I also love it when people take the time to comment here. The interaction and feedback is great.

Every author has regulars, lovely people who read our books and take time out of their busy days to let us know. You have no idea how uplifting it can be when you're having a tough day and the WIP isn't zooming along and the PC crashed and the dog ate your get the general idea.

Feedback is important.
Positive feedback also sells books.

So what's the greatest gift you can give an author?
(apart from a six figure advance on a 5 book contract?)

Word of mouth.

If you love a book, tell people.
Loud and proud.

Post reviews on Amazon, Goodreads, Shelfari, Twitter, your blogs, wherever people will see them.
If you don't have time to post a review, 'star' the book.

Every little bit helps and the more sales an author makes from word of mouth, the more contracts they'll be offered and the more books you'll get to read from your fave authors.

Sounds self-serving coming from an author? Maybe, but I love recommending good books and my favourite authors, because readers buying books keeps the publishing industry alive and in the long run, that's a bonus for us all.

Plus I want you to enjoy curling up with a good book as much as I do :)


  1. yep i posted my review of your book on my blog and i think a friend bought it!
    I always tell my friends my fav authors or the book i've just read if it was great.
    Can't wait for Wild Nights to hit the stores in NZ!

  2. Thanks Kerrin, that's exactly the type of thing I'm talking about :)

    Should be hitting NZ stores Feb?

  3. I love recommending books too! I get so excited about some of them I've been known to purchase copies to force on unsuspecting family member or friend. It's for their own good... ;)


Thanks for taking the time to comment.