
Monday, February 28, 2011


My 21st physio reunion was over the weekend.

I love events like these, seeing people you haven't seen in yonks (usually since the last reunion 10 years ago!) and catching up with friends you'd like to see more often but don't.
This one was particularly interesting for me.

At the 10 year reunion, I was still a physio. I hadn't written a word. Wasn't contemplating it either.
Fast forward 11 years and people were extremely curious as to how I'd turned author!
Had a ball, talked so much I lost my voice, and my best buddy from uni stayed the night, just like our slumber parties of old. Was so much fun.
Except the part where we used to be able to stay up all night and feel fresh the next day. 20 years on, I seem to have lost that rebounding ability...
At least we look the same :)

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