
Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Snail mail

I love receiving letters, always have. In high school, my best friend and I used to trade notes almost daily. In uni over summers, my best friend and I used to write long, elaborate letters, detailing our lives. These days, email is quick and convenient but I miss those days of letter writing, so it's always a thrill when a reader takes the time to write me a letter. That said, responding by email is so much easier so please, if you're taking the time to write to me, include your email address. If you don't have one and that's why you're writing, please enclose that in your letter. So for Ann Bailey, who took the time to write to say she enjoyed Wild Nights with her Wicked Boss and wondered if there were connecting stories...yes, Ann, Callum has his own story in Overtime in the Boss's Bed. Enjoy!

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