
Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Nice to hear

It's always nice to hear a good review, especially from a 'new to me' reader.

Here's an excerpt from a review for DESERTED ISLAND, DREAMY EX! via Twitter:

This was a really fun book to read and it had some great elements to it. I really liked the character of Kristi she had real moxy with her snappy dialogue, ambition and style, yet she also had a caring side with a deep desire to love and be loved in return (I didn't like Jared as much). I really loved the inclusion of the characters blog posts and twitter updates while they were on the island. This was interesting as it gave insight into the two characters thoughts and experiences in a more conversational way then the usual internal monologue type narrative allows, it was also very 'now'!
I would have liked to have had more of the actual events on the island included, I was imagining a Lost-meets-The-Apprentice-meets-romcom style story (somebody has to make that show!). I did enjoy the focus on the two characters relationship and their attempt to work through the issues that drove them apart previously and also to work through their own internal issues. Both characters were able to grow and move on, which is something I always like to see in a good romance novel.

What I particularly liked about this review is the reader's balance.
She states what she likes and what she doesn't with honesty and not snark.

You can read the full review here.


  1. I'm really pleased you liked the review, I try to be as honest as possible! I also hate snark.
    Thanks also for the link to my blog.

  2. I'm looking at it and wishing my reviews came out that good... Well, I'll keep trying, and hopefully I'm better than my very first. :)


  3. Lois, your review for me on Goodreads was fabulous!

  4. LOL Thanks, actually I meant my blog... at goodreads I just put the rating, because there I put up everything I read... on my blog it's just for reviews on books that I get from the publishers and authors specifically for reviews. I do not put everything I read there because I know very quickly I will stop enjoying doing all the reviewing, so I limit it. But, anyway, the point is, I like to think I'm improving as I go along. Hopefully. :)



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