
Friday, July 29, 2011

READER REVIEW: The Boss's Bedroom Agenda

A positive review can give an author a boost for the entire day and this one, from Desere in South Africa, is no exception.

Ever hear the one rule guys stick to no matter what .... Never mix business with pleasure YEAH RIGHT ! But that is exactly what to die for sexy as sin Aiden Voss "The Boss" strives to do. Enter Beth "Fancy Feet" Walker.

Beth knocks Aiden for a six well and truly off his feet. She knows the rule her new boss obides by but what she doesn't know is that Aiden has decided to make her the exception to the rule he must have her anyway he can !

Enter Nicola Marsh's wonderful mix of intrigue and pure downright sexy style of writing!!

Beth have two choices one leave the life she knows behind to follow Aiden the man she has fallen for or loose him forever. Aiden also has two choices give up his dreams to be with the woman who has become his one and only exception or "die" of a broken heart? Now the question remains can they come to a compromise to allow them to be together or do they simply part ways ? Sounds like the normal romance book you know the story line and read it before THINK AGAIN !!

In The Boss's Bedroom Agenda you get to travel through the journey of Aiden and and Beth as they both learn the valuable lesson of love and true passion in each others arms. Beth and Aiden both have to make some of the hardest decisions of their lives in
this delicious tale of magic by Nicola Marsh and no one proves that life has some very delicious unexpected turns like Nicola does. Nicola takes you on a ride of pure delight and gorgeous romance with a sexy twist that you'll never see coming !

Now I bet I have intrigued you just enough to make sure you read the book, of course I can't give it all away but I can tell you this , GO OUT AND GET IT NOW you will never regret it.

I am hooked on many brilliant Australian authors work and Nicola's is right up there with the very best romance has to offer!

Love a satisfied reader :)


  1. Thanks so much for your congrats on my book sale. And congrats to you on the great review!

  2. Congratulations on getting such a great review...

  3. Thanks Sonali, always lovely to celebrate the good reviews (& ignore the bad!) :)


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