
Friday, July 15, 2011

READER REVIEWS; Sex, Gossip & Rock & Roll

Asking an author to choose their favourite book is like asking a mum to choose her favourite child! Impossible.

For me, while I have several favourites, this one is my standout.

I adore this book.

Had a ball writing it, love the characters, the way they spark off each other and I'm beyond thrilled readers are enjoying it as much as I did creating it.

Here are 2 brand spanking new reviews:

"This is such a fun book, but it certainly doesn't lack for emotional moments either. The characters are well developed and written flawlessly...

Reading this book, I could really feel that Nicola Marsh enjoyed writing it...the dialogue sparkles, the passion is hot, and the emotional moments are gripping...Oh, and fantastic ending!

Nicola Marsh really shows she has a great range of writing skills, whereas the last book of hers I reviewed (Deserted Island, Dreamy Ex) was aimed at the Romance side of the RIVA line, this one is aimed more for Presents/Modern side and therefore more steamy. Nicola switches flawlessly between to the two styles. Definitely recommend this book."

(Read the full review here.)

And another:

"I loved the dialogue and the sparring between Luca and Charli. The author’s use of witty dialogue is astounding. It’s a truly magical read and a keeper for your shelf...

an outstanding story with great tension, good fast pace and a fabulous plot.

Nicola Marsh once again delivered a super romance with a strong spirited heroine, a deliciously breath-taking hero and woven a tale which is filled with emotion and sizzle with a very nice happy ever after!"

(Full review here.)

In the USA and can't wait until October to read this?

Well...enter my 7 book giveaway!

Details in post below.


  1. Apologies for the formatting, have tried to correct several times but every time I publish the post, it still looks like this!


  2. Bad Blogspot. Congrats on the fab reviews, Nic!

  3. Thanks for the link to my blog :-) I'm glad you like the review, it's a fab book!


    p.s I'm always having problems with blogger at the moment!!

  4. I'm always thrilled when reviewers connect with a book I love so much, RLA, so thank YOU!


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