
Monday, August 15, 2011


All this week, I'm doing a wrap-up of the RWAUS conference right here.

Snippets of conference gold I heard.
Recap of workshops.
Enlightening moments from plenary sessions.

To start, I have to gush like a fangirl.

Several months ago, I emailed Susan Wiggs for a favour. Her gracious reply blew me away.
Then I met her in person on Saturday, when the conference organisers asked me to intro her session.
She instantly recognized my name, enveloped me in a big hug and insisted someone take a photo of us which she emailed me the next morning with a lovely message.

Her books are amazing and so is she.

Next fangirl moment: Bob Mayer.

Quite possibly the smartest guy in publishing at the moment.
He's informed and savvy and ahead of the game.
If you're not following his blog, do so!

Stay tuned for the conference lowdown.


  1. Thanks for the update, Nic! I'm a big Bob Mayer fan myself. Can't wait to hear more about the conference!

  2. Glad you had fun, looking forward to the lowdown :)

  3. You're welcome, Aimee.

    Bob is amazing! I've followed him on Twitter for yonks and read his blog.

    His insights into publishing are excellent. And he really resonates with workshop attendees.

    I've had several of his ebooks for a while, must find time to read.
    Too many deadlines, not enough time!

    Hope I can summarise conference for you here this week.

  4. Personally, was my best conference ever, Caitlyn.

    The international and local presenters were great.

    Learned so much & the buzz of being around fellow writers still has my hyper! :)

  5. Oops, still buzzing so much I can't even spell!

    That should read 'still has me hyper!'

  6. Geez. Thanks for the mention. Walked all over Melbourne today.

    I need to put together a blog post on the conference- the organizers did a fantastic job and the conference was very forward looking, a rarity in today's fearful environment. And everyone was so friendly. Of course, this weekend in New Zealand, I'll tell them how simply horrid the Aussies are. Right?

  7. Wow, thanks for stopping by, Bob.

    Yes, that's one of the things that impressed me most with this conference, the forward thinking attitudes. Very refreshing amidst the constant fear and rumour mongering on loops, the Net, etc...

    Times are a-changing, we need to move with them, aware of all options rather than closing our eyes in fear.

    Your great sessions conveyed that in spades, so kudos to you!

    Ah...not only industry savvy but continent-rivalry savvy too, I see? :)
    Never fear, I have good author friends in NZ who will report back any Aussie jokes!


Thanks for taking the time to comment.