
Saturday, August 20, 2011

WEEKEND BOOK CLUB: Dating & Other Dangers

I've been lucky this year. The few category roms I've read have all been crackers and this one is no exception.

Natalie Anderson's Dating and Other Dangers is a snappy, modern read I didn't want to put down.

Here's the blurb:

Nadia Keenan's first date Dos and Don'ts:
1. Do boost your confidence by looking hot
2. Don't put out until at least date two
3. If the man is trouble (however sexy!) do report all on

After being trashed on Nadia's website, serial dater-and-dumper Ethan Rush is about to put Nadia's rules to the test! He's determined to change her mind about him.
She's determined to prove him for the cad he is.
Let the battle of the dates begin...

The sparks generated between Nadia and Ethan are super hot! Sexual chemistry at its best.

Loved the one-upmanship between them as much as their banter.
Loved the pacing of the novel.
Loved the contemporary website angle.

A thoroughly enjoyable read.

What are you reading this week?


  1. Oooh, this one looks good. I just finished Meg Cabot's Airhead trilogy. It was entertaining but not one of her best.
    I'm in one of those moods where nothing sounds quite right. The reading equivalent of "I have nothing to wear." I'm debating a trip to the library versus digging through my Kindle stash/TBR pile.

  2. Well, I've been moving right along with the Susan Mallery series, on the third one (last one from last year's releases) of Finding Perfect. Plus also reading the Idiot's Guide to Organic Chemistry. I'm not in an Organic Chemistry class (last semester I was in a something of an intro class to it), but I just wanted to get a book about it, that wasn't an incredibly expensive textbook. So I'm reviewing the points from the class while picking up a new point here and there. And all for $18.95. :)


  3. I know what you mean, Jill, I go through that sometimes with books.

    During those times, I tend to turn to 'comfort' reads, either books I've adored or light, entertaining category romances.

    Hope you find something to give you that reading spark back again!

  4. Well, I chalk it up to being nuts, strange and crazy... LOL But it works for me... although darn it, one science book (even a cheap one) is usually more than a romance novel, double darn it. :D


  5. Yeah, those texts can be expensive!

    Same as 'how to' writing books!


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