
Sunday, September 25, 2011

SIX SENTENCE SUNDAY: Busted in Bollywood

Here we have it, my inaugral Six Sentence Sunday post.

If you don't know what SSS is, check it out here.

First up, here's 6 sentences from my upcoming release, BUSTED IN BOLLYWOOD.

Between Anjali’s sniping at the family and Rita’s dossier, I gathered the Ramas were rich, very rich. And by the size of their newly white-washed two-story house, they were loaded. In a country where real estate was at a premium, these guys had a monopoly on space, their house taking up a quarter of the block.

“Nice place,” I said, smoothing the chiffon of my kameez and hoping all the drama training at high school would count for something in the hours ahead.
“All pomp and show.” Anjali’s glare at the house would’ve exploded bricks if she’d had superhuman powers. “A fat cow needs a big barn.”

I love this book so much, I can't wait for readers to grab it!
BUSTED IN BOLLYWOOD will be available for pre-order very soon.
In the meantime, pop back here for regular 6 Sentence Sundays, excerpts, recipes from the book, and hot Bollywood guys!


  1. I am searching for the 'Like' button.

  2. OK, so where is my copy??????

  3. Loved it !! Yes where is the like button !!! ;) cant wait

  4. ARCs should be up on NetGalley very soon, Marilyn, you can grab one from there :)

  5. Thanks Kat, wait till you see the cover!

    Will be emailing to Street Team & book bloggers involved in cover reveal tomorrow!!

  6. I am so hooked! And can't wait for the cover!

  7. Loved the last line, Nicola! So, fun!!! Can't wait to read this!

  8. Welcome to SSS, Nicola!

    Great, finally some Busted in Bollywood - I am sooooo eager for this one to come out. And lol about the house - is it decked in flowers and so many twinking lights it can rival Harrod's at Christmas? :)


  9. Thanks Liz.
    Hope you've enjoyed your sneak peek at the cover!

  10. Thanks Rachel, that last line is a fave of mine too :)

    Plenty more where that came from!

  11. Thanks Zee!

    SSS is so much fun, can't believe I never knew it existed!

    You'll have to wait and see what happens inside that house... :)

  12. Lol Nicola! SSS is addictive! I've been doing it for a few months now and the rush is still the same every week. :)

    Gads, you know I'm dying for this book to come out, don't you? :)

  13. Think I'm going to find it addictive too.
    The hardest part for me is choosing which SS to choose!!!

    Are you a reviewer, Zee?
    Because that way, you can get Busted in Bollywood earlier off NetGalley :)

  14. Thanks Liz!

    Can't wait till tomorrow for the 'great reveal'!

    And I saw your SSS post on your blog! Tried to comment but it got swallowed, will try again :)

  15. Which 6 to choose - I find that the hardest too! Gotta approach it like a marketing strategy, build up tension and hype, that sort of thing. :)

    Yes, I am registered with Netgalley! I'll look for the book there *grin*

  16. Yep, choosing only SS is tough, Zee!

    And yay! That means you'll get to read Busted in Bollywood very, very soon.
    Should be up on NetGalley any day now...I'll be touting when it does so you won't miss it!

    Am getting nervous now, about people actually reading this book!!!
    And excited. Very, very excited!!!

  17. Oooh, I can't wait then! Lol, I'm sure you did an amazing job with this book - and if we needed proof, just check out the power packed into this Six Sentence snippet :)

  18. Aww...thanks Zee.

    Can I say plenty more where that came from? ;)

  19. Wow, love the voice in this!! ...and how you seamlessly slip in little cultural details. Wonderful :) Hope you're back next week.

  20. Thanks 1000thmonkey (great avatar name!)

    I'll certainly be back with another snippet for SSS. Love the concept!


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