
Wednesday, October 05, 2011

Another cover quote squeeee!

Anjali Banerjee writes beautiful books. I have her IMAGINARY MEN and INVISIBLE LIVES on my keeper shelf.  Then I met her on Facebook and we started chatting about books, deadlines and life in general and she's as lovely as her books.

When I asked her for a cover quote for BUSTED IN BOLLYWOOD, she was only too happy to read for me.  Here's what she said:

"A delightful romp through the colorful cities of Mumbai and New York, Busted in Bollywood is a hilarious romantic comedy of secrets, lies, and the triumph of true love."

I'm blown away that two authors I love to read have blurbed my book.

And we both have fab Susan Wiggs quotes on our covers!

Thanks Anjali, I have HAUNTING JASMINE on my TBR pile, can't wait to dive in.


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