
Friday, October 21, 2011

Critique winners!

I'm thrilled to announce the critique winners from my pitch contest last week.

With an added bonus!

The amazingly generous Liz Pelletier (originally offering to critique the first 5 pages of one winner) has requested the FULL manuscripts of 3 entrants!

-BITERS (the winner) by Sarah Shade
-MR RIGHT NOW by Kristina Knight

I'd love to critique all entrants but with time constraints (I barely sleep as it is!) I've had to choose one, and that winner is:

-TOKYO DARE by Anne Van.

If you didn't win this time, please don't be disheartened.
I loved reading all the pitches and I know Liz had a really difficult time narrowing the field too.
I hope to see your books on the shelf real soon, or stay tuned for more pitch contests!

Congrats again to the winners.


  1. Oh, how exciting to be amongst the winners. A huge thank you to both Liz and Nicola, and congratulations to Sarah, Kristina, and Anne.

    Robyn Thomas

  2. Congratulations to all the winners, especially Robyn (one of my CPs and a fab writer!).

    Entangled looks like a wonderful publisher to work with.

  3. Congrats to the winners and thank you to Nic and Liz for taking the time to offer this contest.

  4. WooHoo For choosing Kristina's! I love her writing. Nic and Liz, you are wonderful supporters of unpublished writers. Thank you!

  5. I can't speak highly enough of Entangled, Autumn.

    They're amazing to work with!

  6. You're welcome, Calisa.

    Kristina has a few fans (one of her other CP's gave her a shout out on Twitter this morning!)

  7. Shelley!!!

    How did you miss it?

    I tweeted almost daily!!!

    Next time, ok?

  8. Big, huge THANK YOUs to both Nicola and Liz!! And congratulations to Robyn, Sarah and Anne.

    As I was reading through the other pitches I kept thinking I want to read that! And that! And that!

  9. I cannot thank you enough Nicola and Liz! What an amazing opportunity, you are both unbelievably kind to give of your time like this. And all the pitches were incredible - I didn't think I stood a chance! Wow!

  10. Wow Nicola! Thank you for picking Tokyo Dare! I feel so lucky!!!

    And congratulations to Robyn, Sarah and Kristina for the full requests! How exciting!

    Liz and Nicola this has been a really fun contest!


  11. Kristina, I had the same problem!

    When I was reading through them, it was soooo hard to choose.

    If I had more time I'd love to critique them all!

  12. You're welcome, Sarah.

    Wishing you all the best with Liz!

  13. You're welcome, Anne.

    Looking forward to reading your first 5 pages!

  14. Yeah, was a great surprise for everyone, Kerrin.

    Liz has been extremely generous with her time.

  15. Congrats to all the winners :) Loved reading the entries..hope it results in sales for everyone picked! :)

  16. Congrats to all the winners and happy critiquing!


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