
Sunday, October 02, 2011

SIX SENTENCE SUNDAY: Busted in Bollywood

Here's another Six Sentence snippet from BUSTED IN BOLLYWOOD.

           “Yes, yes, very exciting. The young man who delivered it was very handsome, very big, great body, make good husband.” She clapped her hands like a hyperactive child while I resisted the urge to clap my hands over her ears in a swift judo chop.
            I didn’t want a husband, least of all one who delivered letters reeking of Brut 33.
            Choosing silence as the best defense against Anjali at her matchmaking worst, I tore open the envelope and reeled back as the overpowering stench shot straight up my nostrils. Even if this guy was Will Shakespeare and Dan Brown rolled into one, I couldn’t tolerate longer than a quick scan of his prose before I fainted from the fumes.

Check out other interesting SSS here.


  1. Fabulous six. I felt her irritation completely, and in fact had a complete flashback to smelly magazines of my youth.

  2. LOL Brut 33 - wow, haven't smelled that in a while! Great six, Nicola!

  3. LOL! Yeah, that odor would certainly knock me over! Nice six.

  4. LOL! Love Brut 33, but some men do think they need to bathe and shower in it. :)
    Oh, and Anjali should've mentioned "Fair skinned", because that apparently makes the perfect prospect, well, perfect. :)

  5. Fantastic six! I loved the humor and characters internal dialogue. Good work.

  6. lol Serena, that's the thing about scents, they can catapult us back to a fragment in time :)

  7. Thanks Randi!

    That's why I used Brut, it's kind of an oldie but a goodie that everyone recognises :)

  8. Thanks Vivien, I love reading humor so hope readers enjoy the humor I've injected into this story :)

  9. ROFL!!! Fainted from the fumes! Potent stuff! Lol. Loved the humor in this!

  10. I'm glad you're laughing, Kathleen, as the whole book is in this vein :)


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