
Tuesday, November 29, 2011

BUSTED IN BOLLYWOOD blog tour begins!

The blog tour for BUSTED IN BOLLYWOOD begins today!

And first up in the BOLLY-BITES Indian recipe feast is delicious dahl.

Check it out here.

I'm also giving away a copy of BUSTED IN BOLLYWOOD daily to a lucky commenter (21 books in total!) so follow the tour, cook up a storm and win a book in the process.

With only one week until the release of BUSTED IN BOLLYWOOD, both Amazon and Barnes and Noble have the trade paperback at half price!

Yep, for $7.72.

So go grab it. Order up big. Christmas is just around the corner, would make a great gift...


  1. Great book, Nic - and I love dahl, too! The dh weill be glad of a prompt to make some.

  2. yum yum! I made the red lentil soup and it was delicious!!

  3. It's so versatile, Liz, you can eat it with anything. Rice, breads, plain!

    You're so lucky dh makes it for you :)

  4. Funny, Kerrin, I was only thinking this morning I hadn't heard back after you made the soup, so thought you didn't like it, lol.

    Glad you did :)


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