
Sunday, November 27, 2011

SIX SENTENCE SUNDAY: Busted in Bollywood

Just over a week until BUSTED IN BOLLYWOOD releases, eeek!

Today's snippet takes place when Shari meets the Rama family for the first time, and her 'betrothed' Rakesh. (In reality, her friend Amrita's betrothed-she's posing as Amrita and she needs to ditch the guy!)

I’d met the three stepsisters and the fairy godmother—of my nightmares. Before I could beg a drink from the nearest servant, who moved among the guests with a fancy gold tray bearing goblets filled with fresh lime juice, Rakesh appeared and I blinked at his beauty all over again.
“Could we talk?” His soulful brown eyes reminded me of a beagle puppy I’d once found as a kid: docile, trusting, and eager to find a good home. In this case, I hoped Rakesh didn’t have his sights set on the Big Apple. New York wasn’t big enough for the both of us, considering one of us was a big, fat phony.

Check out more Six Sundays here.
(Don't forget the Black Friday giveaway in the post below ends tonight, Sunday, at midnight US time.)


  1. Great voice, I love the rumbling of humour.

  2. Loved your snippet! This book sounds great. I'll have to check it out!

  3. OH WOW. I love the description of him - "soulful brown eyes reminded me of a beagle puppy I’d once found as a kid: docile, trusting, and eager to find a good home." So good!

  4. Love this! And I'm loving this book (the ARC, peeps. Lol) - make it a point to check this story out.

    Okay, you have got to Google Sendhil Ramamurthy - he is Rakesh down to the last breathtaking, gorgeous detail! :)

  5. Really great setup - love the closing line. Hats off to ya, darlin'

  6. Enjoyed your six...very nicely written and very catchy :)

  7. Thanks Alix.

    That rumbling of humour becomes a bit of a roar at times in the book. The aunt is my favourite funny character :)

  8. Thanks Stacey.

    Rakesh is a good guy in this story :)

  9. So glad you're enjoying the book, Zee!

    Just googled...yes! He would be as I pictured Rakesh.

    Is he the guy from Heroes years ago?

    For anyone else interested...

    Very nice!

  10. Thanks Sterling.

    There's actually a Stetson in the story that's rather important ;)

  11. Yup, Nicola! He's the one from Heroes. :) Looks way more gorgeous on Covert Affairs though, but I'm biased as a man in a suit makes me melt into a puddle of goo :)

    And lol, I love the aunt too! She is soooo much the Indian aunt, and crikey, so much like my own Mum and aunts, it's scary! xoxo

  12. Oh, this sounds a fab story. Good luck with the release!

  13. I think Anjali was in danger of stealing her scenes, Shelley :)

  14. Oooh...I didn't know he was in Covert Affairs, Zee.

    I like the sound of that show, must watch!

  15. Thanks Gayle, I'm really excited about the release!

  16. Covert Affairs is a really good TV show. It follows the story of Annie Walker, a CIA trainee who gets promoted to field work all of a sudden. There's a good balance of spy thrills and regular drama, because Annie lives with her married sister and has to conceal her job as a CIA operative. Sendhil plays Jai, one of her CIA co-workers with a conflicted relationship with his own father, who used to be a Black Ops director of operations inside the agency.

    The writing and the storyline are really strong - I love that show!


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