
Saturday, December 10, 2011

Book Lovers Inc.

Today, check out my interview at BOOK LOVERS INC, where I'm giving away a print copy of BUSTED IN BOLLYWOOD.

They gave it a fab review too!

"...zany comedic romance...While reading Busted in Bollywood I couldn’t help but think of the movie “My Big Fat Greek Wedding” as the author weaves lush descriptions of Hindi culture and family dynamic into the narrative. Busted in Bollywood is told in the first person by Shari, and the dialogue and introspection is full of witty quips and dry sarcasm. All around good fun! Readers can look forward to a two pronged romance. Shari and her Brit eventually do become involved, but Rita, much to her surprise also finds happiness with the fellow she once viewed with disdain. I thoroughly enjoyed this unique, fast-paced laugh out loud contemporary romance."


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