
Sunday, December 04, 2011

SIX SENTENCE SUNDAY: Busted in Bollywood

It's that time of the week again, SIX SENTENCE SUNDAY.

With BUSTED IN BOLLYWOOD now released in print and e-book form, I can divulge Shari and Drew have faced many obstacles to get to this point.

“I like the way you think,” I whispered, as his hands and mouth played me like an instrument. 
A well-used, much-practised, finely tuned instrument that sang the more he played.
I sang—boy, did I sing. Beyonce, Pink, and Lady Gaga had nothing on me.
Drew had me coming back for encore after encore.
All night long.

For more Six Sundays, check here.

(Don't forget my Booklover's Giveaway below.  And today I'm over at Kerrin Hearfield's blog with another fabulous Indian recipe taken from BUSTED IN BOLLYWOOD. Easy, delicious masala chai.)


  1. LOL! Love this snippet! And I have to say, I love your title and cover, too.

  2. Totally fell in love with Drew! Congrats on the book coming out, Nicola! xoxo

  3. Love this: I sang—boy, did I sing. Beyonce, Pink, and Lady Gaga had nothing on me. -grins- Great Six!!

  4. Dang! Go Drew!! LOL Great six, Nicola! Happy Sunday!

  5. lol, love the music references! Good luck with the book!

  6. Thanks Heather, I'm rapt with the cover and it's nice to have a keeper title I chose!

  7. Thanks Zee, I've got a major soft spot for Drew too ;)

  8. That's one of my favourite lines in the book, Sadie :)

  9. Thanks E. Jamie, from what readers have said, the book is filled with yummy ;) Food, that is!


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