
Sunday, December 18, 2011

USA TODAY loves Busted in Bollywood

I'm absolutely stoked USA TODAY gave BUSTED IN BOLLYWOOD a sensational review.

Here's a snippet:

In her interview with HEA, Nicola Marsh mentions she didn't actually travel to Mumbai to conduct her research for Busted in Bollywood. This astonishes me, since she writes of the city with such fascination and respect, and her descriptions are so personal and vibrant, it never occurred to me that her experience could be anything but firsthand. The food, the people, the traditions, the colors and chaos of India are all lovingly represented. Mumbai and its cuisine are so well-represented, in fact, that at times the book hovers dangerously close to travelogue territory. But the energy of Marsh's prose makes that easy to excuse.

And it's not just the story's locale that deserves the freshness award. I was pleasantly surprised when Shari's deception lasted no longer than it took Rita's fiancé to say "I know." Marsh also provides a cliché-defying twist to the engagement Drew was supposedly hiding...I couldn't help but be emotionally invested in the situation, and I actually felt nervous as Shari prepared to sit down with Drew and his mother for their "talk." Stirring that kind of physical reaction in a reader takes some killer writing.

Busted in Bollywood is a fun, flirty story with a snarky, mischievous tone and an underlying theme of self-discovery. The book is lush with humor, sensuality and lively characters who wouldn't know a cliché if it handed them a masala chai.

Read the full review here (& thanks Kathy Altman.)

This review also made CELEBRITY WIRE alongside a host of super famous celebs!

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