
Tuesday, January 17, 2012

AWW Challenge Review: Shift by Em Bailey

This is my first review as part of the Australian Women Writers Challenge 2012.

It has been a long time since I sat down and read a book cover to cover in one sitting, but that's exactly what I did with Shift.
Once I started I couldn't put it down.

Didn't see the major twist coming AT ALL and I always see the twist!

Riveting and creepy and goosebump-inducing, this stayed with me long after I went to bed in the wee small hours.

Quick summary: Olive is a teenager with mental health issues following the break up of her parents' marriage. She's instantly appealing and likable.

Then there's Miranda...the new girl at school who is beyond scary.

This psychological thriller warns of the dangers of letting anyone, even your friends, get too close. Spine-chilling!

Yeah, Olive does some stupid stuff sometimes by deliberately walking into dangerous situations but it didn't matter because I was totally hooked by the plot and couldn't turn pages fast enough to discover more.

Highly recommend.


  1. This book has gotten strong reviews, I'm glad you enjoyed it so much

    Thanks for sharing your review

    Shelleyrae @ Book'd Out

  2. I'm not surprised by the strong reviews, Shelleyrae, it's an excellent book.

  3. I'm hooked, and plan on getting a copy. The only problem I have with the review, though, is that it doesn't include the ISBN and other bibliographic details, and I say this because the ISBn is for the specific edition (my local bookstore loves it when you have the ISBN when ordering a copy!).

  4. Great review! I bought a copy of this a couple of weeks ago but am still yet to read it.


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