
Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Pitch the Book of your Heart!

It's that time of year again, when the hearts and flowers are out in force.
Yep, Valentine's Day is almost upon us and this year, I'm doing something different to celebrate.

I'm giving you the warm and fuzzies by running another pitch contest!

I have 5 fabulous editors from Entangled Publishing offering requests for full manuscripts, partials and critiques.

Last time I ran this contest a few months ago, one of the winners sold her manuscript and is now published!

So what are you waiting for?
Go polish those pitches now!

I'll be introducing you to each editor over the next 5 days so you can get a feel for their wish-lists.
The VALENTINE'S DAY PITCH THE BOOK OF YOUR HEART contest will start Feb 7th, run until Feb 10th, with the winners announced on Valentine's Day!

Here's what you'll need:

-a completed manuscript
-a one to three sentence pitch that wows
-title, genre, wordcount, email address

The last contest was only open to unpublished writers but I've had several emails from published writers wanting to participate, so this time the contest is open to both!

For more information about what Entangled Publishing acquires, go here.

Stay tuned to meet the editors and get your pitch ready for the 7th!

And please spread the word: on your blog, Facebook, Twitter.



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