
Friday, January 27, 2012

READER REVIEW: Busted in Bollywood

I'm loving the wonderful reviews coming in for BUSTED IN BOLLYWOOD.
I've been pretty lax during school holidays not being online much, so haven't really posted many. Am hoping to remedy that!

Here's the latest:

Busted in Bollywood is a wonderfully magical story with charming characters, rich imagery, and a romance that will leave you breathless!

•I loved the friendship between Shari and her best friend Amrita. Their witty banter was hilarious to read about and the way they supported and cared for each other was heart-warming!

•Another character that was awesome is Amirta's auntie Anjali. Her obsession with food meant mouth watering descriptions of delicious Indian cuisines (warning: do not read on an empty stomach!) and her love for popular TV shows made her a fun and quirky character.

•As with all romantic comedies there is a swoon worthy guy that even now after finishing the book I cannot stop thinking about! The chemistry between Shari and Drew was insane, their constant banter and flirting had me smiling throughout!

•The colourful descriptions of India had me both fascinated and intrigued. I felt as if I was there with Shari on her journey of self-discovery. The plot was face-paced and unique, and as Shari begins to learn more about her Indian roots we’re swept into a vivid atmosphere with Indian traditions, mad traffic, and the smell of diesel fuel!

Busted in Bollywood is a fabulous read from USA best selling author Nicola Marsh!

Huge thanks to THE PAGE TURNER for taking the time to read and review.

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