
Saturday, January 07, 2012

WEEKEND BOOK CLUB: Anticipated reads for 2012

Every year books are released that I can't wait to get my hands on.
Here are 2 I'm dying to read!

I read Clockwork Angel this time last year and loved it! Next time I'm at the shops, I'm grabbing Clockwork Prince off the shelves.

I have Barbara O'Neal's books firmly on my keeper shelf so am eagerly anticipating the arrival of April when The Garden of Happy Endings is released.
She's an author I automatically pre-order, her books are THAT good!

Which books are you looking forward to reading in 2012?


  1. Oh, I look forward to reading in 2012 a lot of the 2011 books I have accumulated... and perhaps some of thsoe 2010 ones... I resolved to simply try to read as much of that TBR pile that I possibly can between work and school! :)


  2. That's a great idea, Lois.

    Must admit, I have so many books on my TBR pile that were there all last year, I really should try and make a dent in it, but I keep buying new ones!

  3. Yep to getting new ones - which is why later I realized I could have added to the above something like - plus, maybe read a 2012 book in between here and there. LOL Ah well, they aren't going anywhere, right? So, when we get to them is when we get to them - books don't go bad or anything like that. So they can wait for us; pretty sure they don't mind. :)


  4. That's the beauty of them.

    Plus I love seeing them waiting for me on my shelf :)


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