
Saturday, January 21, 2012

WEEKEND BOOK CLUB: Liz Fielding's Little Book of Romance Writing

Welcome Liz Fielding to give us a brief insight into her brand new writing reference book, LIZ FIELDING'S LITTLE BOOK OF WRITING ROMANCE.

Begin your story at a moment of crisis, a point in time when your character’s life is about to change for ever.

— Mollie Blake’s Writing Workshop Notes from Secret Wedding by Liz Fielding

Mollie Blake is a woman who knows what’s she’s talking about. Well, obviously, I created her back in 2000 for my novella, The Secret Wedding.

How I wish I’d had someone like her around when I was starting out on my writing career. Someone to take me by the hand and ease me through the process of getting the story in my head onto paper. Explain about conflict, the importance of emotion, creating characters that the reader will care about. Alas, twenty years ago there were few “how-to” books to turn to in the UK, the internet had not been invented and I’d never heard the words “critique partner”. I didn’t actually know anyone else who was writing. I was on my own.

I learned by doing, by writing, being rejected, reading the writers I wanted to emulate. It was a long, slow and very steep learning curve but the one thing you need if you want to be a writer is single-minded determination. My fourth submission, An Image of You, was published in 1992 and, since then, I’ve had a wonderful career with more than sixty books in print.

My Little Book of Writing Romance is a straightforward writing romance primer. It’s the book I wish I’d had when I was fumbling through my first attempts at writing fiction and I launched into the world this week as a hand in the dark to new writers struggling with the stuff it took me years to learn. And when you make it into print, email me to share the joy.

Liz Fielding’s Little Book of Writing Romance is available from

PS – Molly Blake’s story, The Secret Wedding, is available as a free online read or you can download it for .99c from Amazon.

This is the kind of book I wish had been around when I first started writing ten years ago and was totally clueless!

As I turned the pages I found myself nodding often, as Liz provides excellent tips and examples for:
-deep emotion
-grabbing the reader on the first page
-creating a four-dimensional world
-a satisfying ending.

This is a great writing resource, highly recommend.

Buy at Amazon US & Amazon UK

I have Liz's latest FLIRTING WITH ITALIAN lined up to read next on my TBR pile.
What are you reading this week?


  1. Happy weekend! :) Well, I'm doing rather nice with the review books that I have... knock that wood, throw that salt, whatever you prefer... plus, I've been liking them, so that is mighty helpful! :) In the process of reading Compulsively Mr Darcy by Nina Benneton.

    And soon enough, all the judging books for the contests will be coming in soon, so will have those to look forward too as well! :)


  2. Thanks so much for the shout out, Nicola!

  3. Wow Lois, you have a busy time ahead with all your judging books.

    I'm having a hectic time judging RITA books at the moment, so can sympathise!


Thanks for taking the time to comment.