
Tuesday, February 07, 2012

From pitch to published!

I was absolutely delighted to receive an email recently from Robyn Thomas, one of the winners of my last pitch contest, saying she is now published!

Here's what Robyn had to say:

It COULD happen to you! If you’re considering entering the VALENTINE’S DAY PITCH THE BOOK OF YOUR HEART contest then please read on...

I entered Nicola’s last Entangled pitch contest – in October 2011 – and went on to sell the book, currently titled Freefalling, to Lori Wilde’s Indulgence line. I’m all set for a May 2012 release, and you could be next!

My one sentence pitch was one of the three chosen by Liz Pelletier, and (after picking myself up off the floor) I sent her the full ms a few days later. I went back to my work in progress, and tried not to think about it.

The weeks ticked by, and I began to check my inbox with more trepidation. An email arrived and I skimmed it about a dozen times, looking for the words regret, however, not at this time, or anything of a negative nature. But those words weren’t in there. It was an offer! Entangled Publishing wanted to buy my book for their Indulgence line.

It has only been a few weeks since I got The Call, but I’ve already heated up my ms to match the line, submitted something else for consideration, and pitched a possible series. And I’m anticipating my first cover, which I just know I’m going to love.

It’s an amazing experience… and it all started with a pitch on this very blog. Why are you still reading? Polish those pitches, and enter the contest!

So there you have it!
The contest starts tomorrow so I hope you have your pitches ready to wow the editors.
And in breaking news...
I have another fabulous editor joining in the judging!
NINA BRUHNS, the Editorial Director for Entangled's Dead Sexy imprint, will request a partial and synopsis or a full manuscript and synopsis.
She'll let the author know what problems, if any, they need to tackle in order to publish with Dead Sexy and if close, her editors will work with the author to get it in shape for publication.
Thanks Nina!
So what are you waiting for?
The Valentine's Day PITCH THE BOOK OF YOUR HEART contest starts here tomorrow!!

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