
Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Gentlemen Prefer Nerds

Happy release day to one of my good writing buddies, the lovely Joan Kilby.

GENTLEMEN PREFER NERDS is her first mainstream contemporary romance, out today from Carina Press (Joan also writes for Harlequin SuperRomance.)

I'm reading this fun caper at the moment and have a wee crush on Fabian...

For more info on Joan's books and buy links, check out her website


  1. Hey, Nicola, thanks for the kind words about Nerds. Fabian is my favorite hero I've ever written. My true fantasy man!
    PS don't tell my hubby :)

  2. He's rather dishy, Joan, so I don't blame you!

    By the way, your secret is safe with me ;-)

  3. This title grabbed my attention and I'm still loving it, sounds like a truly fun and cute novel :-)

  4. It's a great title!

    I'm about half way through, the novel is really cute.


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