
Saturday, April 07, 2012

Lucky 7 meme

I got tagged for this by the lovely Kathy Bradey, YA writer and Sydneysider who I love chatting with.

The Lucky 7 Meme Rules

■Go to page 77 of your current MS/WIP

■Go to line 7

■Copy down the next 7 lines–sentences or paragraphs–and post them as they’re written. No cheating.

■Tag 7 authors

■Let them know

So here's mine from NOT THE MARRYING KIND (Entangled Publishing Indulgence series) releasing soon!

She wanted him, wanted this, whatever this was.

He plundered her mouth, long, hot, moist kisses that left her boneless and mindless with desire until all she could do was sag against him, soft and pliant and wanting. So much wanting.

An eternity later his lips eased away, lingering long enough to place a surprisingly sweet kiss on the corner of her mouth.

“So what do you say?” He traced her bottom lip with a fingertip, the residual tingle from his kiss intensifying as he stared at her with the determination of a guy used to getting his own way. “Marry me?”

She wanted to say no.

She wanted to tell him where he could stick his proposal.

Instead, she nodded, a reluctant “yeah” tumbling from her lips a second before he claimed them again.


Natalie Anderson
Liz Fielding
Rachel Firasek
Cathryn Hein
Kate Hardy
Rachel Harris
Rachael Johns


  1. Holy Swoon! NICOLA!!! I must read this book unfair of you to tease me lol

    Love love love it! Sigh, so nice.....

    I actually did this in a cheat version as I didn't have 77 pages yet, but I'm almost there, so I will respond in a post next week when I am. Thanks for thinking of me!!!

  2. Am writing the last scene as we speak, Rachel, so not long.

    I can't wait for it to be released! I have unconfirmed release date, will blab when it's confirmed :)

    Looking forward to yours!

  3. Oh, hot!!! I'm in a little bit love here! Can't wait. Keep us posted! And, thanks for picking me. :)

  4. Beck is pretty hot, Rachel.

    Desert bad boy turned good. I love him!

    And you're welcome :)

  5. Love it! Can't wait to read what happens before AND after :) Here's mine -
    Thanks for including me!


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