
Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Sold! My Young Adult debut...

Hot off the press from Publishers Marketplace, the announcement I've been dying to shout out:

April 9, 2012

Children's: Young Adult

USA Today bestselling author Nicola Marsh's debut SORORITY OF THE SUN, in which a sixteen-year-old supernatural misfit, bound to the Celtic sun god and his Druid-driven Sorority, enters a boarding school for the freakishly gifted, discovers powers she has no idea what to do with, and battles coming-of-age issues while embarking on a quest to recover an icon that may change her family and the world as she knows it, to Georgia McBride at Month9Books, in a three-book deal, for publication in November 2013 (World).

I adore this book.
Really, truly, adore it.
And I can't wait to share it with readers!!!

Still pinching myself Georgia had the same vision for the series I did...I'm going to be a Young Adult author, woo hoo!!!!!!!!


  1. WOO HOO!!!! Love you and love Georgia so this is a perfect match up. The pitch sounds amazing... can't wait!!!

  2. Big congrats, Nicola! I'm thrilled for you!

  3. Congratulations, Nic! :)

  4. Congratulations, Nicola!! Can't wait to read it.. it sounds awesome.

  5. Tnanks Melissa :)

    I'm going to busy juggling deadlines!

  6. Thanks Long & Short Reviews, when the call out for ARCs comes hope you grab one :)

  7. Thanks Kristina!

    I'm in love with your new cover, by the way. It's gorgeous!

  8. Thrilled for you, Nicola. Brilliant news. And a 3 book deal to boot!

  9. Thanks Cathryn!!!

    Going to be fun writing the next 2 books between deadlines...!

  10. Congratulations, Nicola! I'm so excited for you!

  11. Nic, just heard your fab news - congratulations!!!

  12. Fantastic news and many congratulations! Aren't your fingers aching with all this writing yet?! xx

  13. Not yet, Rachel, but with the amount of words I need to write over the next 2 years, think they'll be aching indeed! ;)

  14. Wow, that's absolutely brilliant news! Well done Nicola!

  15. Yay! and a three book deal too, so that gets another two yays! Congratulations, Nic, I know your YA is close to your heart, so well deserved success!


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