
Sunday, April 01, 2012


I hadn't heard of this YA novel when I picked it up.

The cover and the blurb sucked me in.

It’s winter break in Ascension, Maine. The snow is falling and everything looks pristine and peaceful. But not all is as it seems...

Between cozy traditions and parties with her friends, Emily loves the holidays. And this year’s even better--the guy she’s been into for months is finally noticing her. But Em knows if she starts things with him, there’s no turning back. Because his girlfriend is Em’s best friend.

On the other side of town, Chase is having problems of his own. The stress of his home life is starting to take its toll, and his social life is unraveling. But that’s nothing compared to what’s really haunting him. Chase has done something cruel...something the perfect guy he pretends to be would never do. And it’s only a matter of time before he’s exposed.

In Ascension, mistakes can be deadly. And three girls—three beautiful, mysterious girls—are here to choose who will pay.

Em and Chase have been chosen.

This book had me riveted. Could hardly put it down.

Intriguing premise, with revenge being the underlying theme.
Revenge with a paranormal twist!

The author nailed the YA voice perfectly too and the teenage angst really sucked me into the story. Excellent characterisation.

Very unusual plot twist at the end to lead into more books in this series.

Enjoyable read.

What are you reading this weekend?


  1. Hmmmm, I think I might just have a peek at one of those wonderful Entangled Indulgences! x

  2. I've read Barbara's and Inara's so far, dying to read the rest, including yours Miss!!


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