
Sunday, May 13, 2012

GUEST BLOG: Ali Ahearn

Today I'd like to welcome the fabulous Ali Ahearn (who you may know as Amy Andrews, Harlequin Medical & Riva author, and new Entangled author.) She's here to tell us about her first mainstream novel, SISTER PACT, which I'm dying to read!

Thanks Nic for having me here to talk about Sister Pact.
My sister Ros and I wrote this book in 2009 and its very exciting to finally see it on the shelves – to see it in a Big W catalogue!! To have sold out at our book launch!!

The book is about two estranged sisters having to play nice to win a million pounds each on a Survivor style reality TV show and it was an utterly enjoyable experience for both of us. We laughed and laughed, we got a bit weepy from time to time and we shared incredible moments of synergy. We’ve not long finished the second Joni and Frances instalment and I’m happy to report it was just as good second time around!

Whilst the subject matter in Sister Pact is dealt with in a funny, irreverent kind of way, it does deal with some big issues – infidelity and addiction being two but the most heart wrenching of all is the sister’s estrangement. Well, at least it is to me because the thought of being estranged from Ros makes me feel physically ill. We’ve always been close, but even more so as adults with children of our own and I couldn’t even begin to imagine what could possibly happen to tear us asunder.   
Just the thought is unbearable.  She’s my other half. She completes me.
So in honour of that I thought share a little of the sister love around with ten things I love about my sister. In no particular order.

She’s an incredible mother – trust me on this. For someone who I thought was going to be a perpetual career woman she has embraced mother hood with the fiery loins of a true Earth mother!
She has an incredible social conscience – go to the Sisterlit website and go to the sister love page. You’ll see what I mean. She lays awake at night for hours worrying about famine in Africa or Indigenous health here in Australia.
She’s smart – she had 4 degrees including a law degree and a PhD.
She’s witty – she can verbally eviscerate the unsuspecting and do it all with a smile.
She’s politically passionate – she’s actively involved and really cares about what goes on politically around her.
She’s an incredible writer. Her first book blew me away and I know, I just know, some forward thinking publisher is going to pick it up one day. She’s fast and can write a log line or a blurb in about ten minutes flat! And a whole chapter in about 2 hours!!!
She’s an advocate for the underdog. She works in a department that looks after women, poor people and indigenous members of our society when she could be earning mega bucks in a white wig.
She knows how to work a room. Actually, thanks to our mother we both do.
She’s a juggler extraordinaire – part-time work, 3 kids and one on the way, writing sister books, footy, ballet, school, kindy, tuckshop, P&C meetings, fundraisers, home bake etc etc etc
She’s kind. Otherwise she’s just say no to all that stuff and be sane instead!

And I guess her kids and hubby think she’s pretty wonderful too – check out this cute video they uploaded to YouTube for her!
Love you Ros!

Ali and Ros are amazing women.
Go grab SISTER PACT now!


  1. The Sister Pact sounds fascinating. Now I'm dying to read it too :)

  2. Lucky you, Nas!

    I'm saving a few books (including this one) for after my manic deadlines.

  3. I saw Sister Pact in Big W on Saturday and came to a screeching halt, saying "Look,look!" to hubby and everyone in the vicinity. It's a beautiful cover, and I can't wait to read the book.

  4. I've got it on the iDevice, ready to go! I have sisters and really liked the sound of this. Thanks ladies! (and thanks Nic for B in B, which got me through my sick Saturday!)

  5. Sounds like a fabulous book, Ali and Ros. Thanks for sharing and best of luck with it!!

  6. Nas has read and done a fab review!
    Thanks Nas!

  7. Hey Claire - thanks for buying. Hope you like the inside as much as the cover :-)

  8. Hey Imelda - doncha just love agood ithingy??? :-)

  9. Hi all - Ros here, the other half of Ali/Sister Pact. Thanks to everyone for your lovely cmments and to you too Ali for the REALLY nice rap. Hope you all enjoy reading SP as much as enjoyed writing it. I saw it at Big W this morning and I think they heard me squealing over in litchenwares... Ros x

  10. I saw it at Big W and forced myself to walk away.
    Must finish this deadline book first before I buy, otherwise I know I'll succumb and read!

  11. So glad Busted in Bollywood got you through a sick Sunday, Imelda!


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