
Friday, September 21, 2012

WEEKEND BOOK CLUB: The Wedding Season

I bought THE WEDDING SEASON at my local shops when the cover caught my eye.
It's stunning.

And considering the fun I had writing BUSTED IN BOLLYWOOD and the incredible feedback I received from readers, I'm always intrigued to read any books featuring a cast of multicultural Asian characters.

Reading a book with no expectations, and knowing nothing of the story or author, is often great because there are no preconceptions.
And that's what happened with THE WEDDING SEASON.
I really loved this book.
It's funny and poignant and delectable.

Here's the blurb:

Meet Shani - she's thirty-two, single and has a job to die for. And she likes her life just the way it is, thank you! So why do her family and friends insist on trying to convince her that the only way to the perfect life is meeting the perfect man?
When Shani's horoscope miraculously reveals that now is the best time of her life for marriage, her mother decides to take control. As the Sri Lankan wedding season opens she turns a deaf ear to Shani's protests and arranges a parade of 101 potential grooms, in the hope that her shamefully unmarried daughter will salvage the family honour by finally finding Mr Right. But true life, like true love, can get very complicated. Amidst a riot of hilarious dates with would-be husbands, Shani has to cope with a minor Machiavelli at work, a house that is literally falling down around her ears, and a neurotic mother with serious cultural baggage. Worst of all, her best friend, who seems to have it all, is sliding into depression, and Shani seems powerless to help. Through a flurry of curry, cricket, sarees, and sumptuous ceremonies, Shani comes to learn that love comes in many disguises - and degrees of satisfaction - and that life is a one-shot game, even if you do believe in reincarnation.

I write at night to meet deadlines and don't get enough sleep, so I don't lose sleep for many books.
The Wedding Season is one book I sacrificed sleep for, unable to put it down in the wee small hours.

It's an enticing blend of multicultural chick lit/women's fiction/romance.

Shani is a 32 yo single Sri Lankan woman living in Melbourne.
She has loyal friends, an interfering mother and boy troubles.

I laughed out loud in several parts of the book, and loved recognising all the landmarks in my home city.

Have to admit, I was shocked when the book took a serious twist but even then I loved how the author developed the characters' relationships.

A really satisfying read, one I recommend.

What are you reading this weekend?


  1. This book has been on my TBR list since hearing the author speak at Melbourne Writers Festival. She was so engaging to listen to!

  2. If you enjoyed Busted in Bollywood, Marg, you'll really enjoy this.

    It's in the same light-hearted vein, until the book takes an unexpected serious twist that took me completely by surprise.

    I really enjoyed it!


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