
Wednesday, October 03, 2012

Kindle & $50 gift card up for grabs!

I'm thrilled with the reviews and emails for CRAZY LOVE.

A HUGE thanks to everyone who has bought, read and taken the time to review. Much appreciated.

While CRAZY LOVE continues to climb the charts (still can't believe it's an Amazon bestseller in the first few weeks of release) I've decided to throw a giveaway!

Currently ranked in the low 200s in the kindle store on Amazon, if CRAZY LOVE hits the top 50 in the kindle store, I'm giving away a kindle and a $50 gift card!

(Kindle open to US residents only, $50 gift card open internationally.)

Entry is simple and outlined in Rafflecopter below but here are the basics:

-tweet: Fall in Crazy Love … … & win a kindle or $50 GC in the process! @NicolaMarsh USA Today bestseller (links will be shortened automatically on Twitter!)

-place the above tweet on your Facebook page

-like my author page on FB

-answer the question below in the comments here

Different points will be allocated according to what you choose to do. Easy!

This will run until October 22nd, so what are you waiting for?

If CRAZY LOVE doesn't reach the top 50 on Amazon, I'll be giving away 10 copies of the book to random winners from the entries.

What's the craziest thing you've done for love?

a Rafflecopter giveaway


  1. It's great to see a giveaway to celebrate the success of a book I read and thoroughly enjoyed only a few days back. Thanks for doing this, Nicola, competitions are great fun!

  2. Thought you might be interested to know the Indian price for Crazy Love if you don't know already. It's INR166.50/- In English that's one hundred and sixty six rupees and fifty paise.

  3. Can't honestly say I've done anything crazy for love.....maybe psycho lol No kidding. I haven't really been in love yet (sad face)

    Thanks for the contest! Wish the kindle was available to more than US fans but still appreciate it :D

  4. Hi Nicola,

    I'm looking forward to reading Crazy For Love! Much success on your top 20 adventure!

  5. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  6. I've honestly never been in love before, and I was uber shy anyway so if I did have a crush I'd run like the wind from them..... although there was this guy I had liked a friend had helped me in taking pictures of him, then she'd send them to me and I'd stare at them for a while. Not in a stalkerish way though, she knew how to talk when he was around and she was always taking pictures of everyone so it didn't seem strange for her or him when she asked.

  7. Hi Nicola !

    Thank you for the really amazing give away your are the best to your fans !

  8. Firstly, yeah, big congrats on it! :)

    Second... well, it was probably when I was in 8th grade, I gave a letter to someone that I had a crush on... and of course, they didn't. But I'm thinking that putting it on paper is not much of a good idea at times... not that they still have it, I'm almost positive. LOL


  9. fly across the country to meet a man I had met online. We've now been happily married for 12 years. :)

  10. Well I met my husband online, and come this June we will be married 10 years and we have been together almost 12. At the time I thought that was kinda crazy.

    Thanks for the chance to win. And congrats on your success so far may it continue. Much Love, Amanda

  11. Congratulations, and continued success for your new book!

    At the moment I can't think of anything crazy that I've done for love. My husband and I have been married for almost 26 years. That has made me crazy! :). Does that count?


  12. I haven't been in love yet. I would do anything crazy for love.

  13. hmmm...probably a state-to-state move. My now-DH was hired to be a sports guy in Nebraska (I'm from Missouri) and I followed him there...which led to a lot of good things: marriage, a job in TV and loads of great friends.


  15. Great cover and concept for Crazy Love!
    Not to mention a fab marketing plan!

  16. Yes, the cover is amazing.

    I stalked a guy, but I don't think that was love. Although I did at the time. :)

  17. The craziest thing I've done for love is get married at 23 years old!! Well, it seems crazy young now...

  18. The craziest thing I ever did for love was move from California to London England to be with the man I loved, Everyone kept saying it's too far from home it won't work out, well this month on Oct 10th we will be having out 26th Annv. All that has change is we live in California now and have 2 teenage daughters!

  19. I don't think I have ever done anything crazy for love. But considering I have not found "the one" yet, it could still happen, lol.

  20. Congratulations on your success. Thanks for the giveaway.

  21. Thanks for the awesome giveaway and good luck!
    The craziest thing I've done for love...Hmmm I've had 4 kids and raised 2 stepkids. It's also one of the greatest things I've done. :)

  22. Amazing giveaway, and I am wishing you the best of luck with getting your book into the top 20!!!

  23. Forgot to include my 'crazy love' story. By far the craziest thing I did was back in 2001, when I flew to the other hemisphere to meet my online boyfriend and spend almost a month with him!!

  24. What's the craziest thing you've done for love?

    Raising my hubbys and my kids, both are ADHD, one is Autistic. Despite the fact that its a constant battle I am here everyday, being a mom and a wife and trying to have a successful career. I balance it out pretty well. I get up at 6 am, go to bed at 2-3 am and get very little sleep. I work 60-80 hours a week and still stay up late so I can spend time with my husband when he gets home at 2-4am. I've moved about a hundred times to be with my husband... if this ain't craziness I don't know what is...

  25. The craziest thing I did for love was get married! :-)

    Mel K.
    Meljprincess AT aol DOT com

  26. I haven't done anything crazy for love. The truth is that I haven't really been in love yet. But I believe that when I will fall in love I will do crazy things. I guess there is not love if we are not doing crazy things for the person who we love.
    Thank you for the great giveaway!
    Artemis (international)

  27. Craziest thing I have done for love??? Married an army man...Very crazy ;)

    Kelly Ethan

  28. I packed up and moved to another state with only the suggestion of a job and a place to stay. I figured it was worth the risk.

  29. Congrats on the release of Crazy Love, Nicola! I downloaded my copy yesterday. Looking forward to reading it. :)

  30. I think the craziest thing I have done for love, like all people, is open myself up to that special person. It takes a lot of courage to risk getting hurt but in the end it is worth it! Congrats on the book!

  31. I've never had a bf, so nothing for that kind of love. But for family, I've done loads of crazy things. Asked random strangers things, danced in front of people, etc.

  32. I guess the craziest thing that I did for love was I went aganist my borthers wishes and dated his best friend. We ended up married and now have a 5 year old son. I am glad that we went with our feelings and not what everyone else said.

  33. Had an affair with an employee- who was married- soooo risky, but paid off in the end. sdylion(at)gmsil(dot)com

  34. Hi Nicola. Am reading Crazy Love and loving it. Sierra and 'Slick' rock! But I think Flo is the craziest, most lovable character! Crazy Love deserves to be top of the charts.

  35. I used to drive 65 miles to see my boyfriend every weekend. Of course, gas was cheaper back then.

  36. congratulation nicola...i alwaysd love ur books :)
    the crazy thing i did for love ? maybe sent him love letter everyday :p

  37. Once again congrats Nicola, Crazy Love was wonderful,I'm so grateful you took this leap of faith and we got to read this story, can't even imagine if it had gone untold/unpublished!!

    The craziest thing I did for love: I was 14 and was in love with my best guy friend. We used to chat on the phone every night for about an hour, and since due to my dad's work I knew we'd move out of the country in about a month I knew it was about time I told him how I felt, so one night I blurted out "I'm in love with you" over the phone. Big silence. Then "You aren't joking? You're actually serious?" Then he told me that he only felt friendly toward me, I was his best friend and it took him by surprise. I still believe that if I had eased him into it I wouldn't have scared him. Since then I learned to start with "I really like you" before dropping the L-word ;-p

  38. livivua- i faced my fear to to parasailing. it was fun and i would do it again

  39. The craziest thing I've done for love was to move to the opposite end of the country, having only met in person a few times, just to see if the relationship would work out. It did :-)

  40. I ran off to Reno and got married after knowing him for 3 months, but I guess it is true love. We have been married for 27 years, I was a very young bride lol

  41. I haven't been in love yet. I would do anything crazy for love.

  42. I am not if I did anything crazy because as soon as I saw "him" I knew he was the one..28 years and going strong!

  43. Married a man I met on the internet and moved half way across the country.
    skpetal at hotmail dot com

  44. I have done some crazy things but not for love not been in real love yet just puppy love as a teen.

  45. Rode a bike in a rainstorm late at night just to get home in time.

  46. I followed him to the college. The relationship didn't turn out, and I thought I would regret my decision choosing a college based on that but it worked out great! Now I have my degree and I love my profession!

  47. I quit my job and applied where he worked so I could see him more often!

  48. I am not known for being crazy, but the first time I met my husband we stayed out until 5:00am the next morning. My mom was not very happy about that one.
    bournmelissa at hotmail dot com


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